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Acron Group Releases Q1 2011 Operating Results

 Acron Group’s Consolidated Output (Operating Results for Acron, Dorogobuzh and Hongri Acron)

 Product, ‘000 t Q1 2011  Q1 2010 YOY
Ammonia 462.4   438.  5% 
Incl. own use 409.8 366.4
Nitrogen fertilisers 635. 571. 11%
Incl. own use 95.9  80.4
Ammonium nitrate 397.5  332.0  20%
Incl. own use 31.5 16.3
Urea 111.7  109.5  2% 
Incl. own use 64.4 64.1
Urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN) 126.7  129.6 -2%
Complex fertilisers 688.4 591.1 17%
Incl. own use 14.4 5.5
NPK 605.7 560.5  8% 
Incl. own use 14.4 5.5
Bulk blends 82.7  30.6  170% 
Organic compounds 94.6 90.9  4% 
Incl. own use 49.6 45.8
Methanol 18.7 20.0  -7%
Incl. own use 18.0


Formalin 34.3  32.0  7%
Incl. own use 31.4 28.9
Urea-formaldehyde resins (UFR) 41.6  38.9  7%
Non-organic compounds 170.8 151.5 13%>
Low-density and technical-grade ammonium nitrate 48.3  45.1  7%
Calcium carbonate 68.2  55.6  23%
Liquid carbon dioxide 10.2  8.1  26%
Argon 1.8  1.7  6% 
Hydrochloric acid 42.3 41.0 3%<
TOTAL COMMERCIAL OUTPUT (output less own consumption) 1,482.4 1,345.2                      10%


In Q1 2011, the Group’s total commercial output was up 10% year-on-year to 1,482,000 tonnes. Strong demand for mineral fertilisers and higher prices allowed the Group to fully utilise its key production capacity.

Nitrogen Fertilisers and Ammonia

In the reporting period, the Group’s ammonia output increased 5% and nitrogen fertiliser output was up 11% year-on-year. Due to strong seasonal demand for ammonium nitrate, Acron boosted its production 54% and Dorogobuzh increased its output 6%. Global ammonium nitrate prices in Q1 2011 were up an average of 21% to $301 per tonne (FOB Baltic Sea).

Complex Fertilisers

Complex fertiliser output was up 17%. Acron increased NPK production 7% to 292,000 tonnes, Dorogobuzh raised its NPK output 5% to 160,000 tonnes and Hongri Acron’s NPK production was up 14% to 153,000 tonnes. In addition to NPK output, Dorogobuzh and Hongri Acron more than doubled production of dry bulk blends. In Q1 2011, average global prices for NPK 16-16-16 were up 15% year-on-year to $400 per tonne (FOB FSU).

Organic and Non-organic Compounds

In Q1 2011, the Group posted higher output of industrial products. In the reporting period, Acron increased its output of organic compounds 4% due to higher formalin and UFR production. Higher output of calcium carbonate, low-density and technical-grade ammonium nitrate and liquid carbon dioxide resulted in a 13% increase in output of non-organic compounds.

Operating Results for Acron, Dorogobuzh and Hongri Acron